Since 2009 we’ve been designing and manufacturing the world’s most versatile racks. Our racks are made for Any Car, Any Place, Any Time! We sell dedicated racks for transporting bikes, transporting skis and snowboards, and transporting surfboards, paddle boards, kayaks and canoes. When we say "Any Car", we mean it (here's a non-exhaustive list): Acura, Audi, BMW, Chevrolet, Chevy Bolt/Cruze/Corvette, Fiat, Ford Focus/Mustang/Fusion/Fiesta/Transit, Honda Accord/Civic/Fit, Kia Optima/Soul/Niro, Lexus, Mercedes, Mini Cooper, Nissan Leaf/Versa/Altima/Maxima/Sentra/Z, Porsche, Scion, Subaru, Tesla, Toyota Prius/Camry/Corolla/Yaris, Volvo, VW, and many more. Our racks are unique because they attach with powerful vacuum mounts that epitomize strength and ease of use. No matter what kind of car you’re driving - sedans, vans, pickups, trucks, SUVs, convertibles, sports cars, even campers - we’ve got a rack for you here in our on-line store or at one or our dealers worldwide.
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SeaSucker's innovatieve vacuümbevestigingstechnologie bevestigt naadloos rekken aan auto's en maritieme accessoires aan boten en meer zonder de zorg om oppervlakken te bekrassen of gaten te boren. Ongelooflijk sterk, veelzijdig en gebruiksvriendelijk.
SeaSucker is sinds 2017 de officiële rekleverancier voor het grootste bestuursorgaan van de wielersport, de UCI. SeaSucker's 9-Bike Team Rack is het exclusieve rek voor het wereldkampioenschap.